About Action CRM
Originally started by Act! Consultant, Brett Merriman, to support small and medium enterprises grow their businesses through better management of their customer relationships. Action CRM is now run by Act! Evangelist, Mike Lazarus
So, who is Act! Evangelist, Mike Lazarus
Our Prime Minister declared, prior to the recent Federal Election, that "These are the most exciting times to be alive!" Let me tell you, they are indeed exciting for Act! users and will get more so over the next few months.
To those of you who didn't know me prior to this, I've worked with Act! since 1987 and run the Act! addons and services distributor, GL Computing, since 1991. For more information on me, you can see my blog article: Who Is Mike Lazarus, the Act! Evangelist - A Bio or connect with my LinkedIn Profile
As Brett Merriman recently communicated to you, I took over the ActionCRM business last month to give a more dedicated focus to Act!.
New this month, Act! has released an update to v18.2. See: What's New in Act! v18.2
Along with the usual fixes, improvements and enhancements, this adds a new WebAPI and Act! Connect Link.
These add entirely new ranges of possibilities for you to be able to integrate Act! with other packages and provide a richer solution to enable your business.
Two of the great advantages that these can deliver right now are
Act! Premium Contact Link for Outlook - that displays rich Act! data within the Outlook application for the contact who's email you're looking at.
Zapier integration - that allows you to connect Act! with OVER 400 different applications
Please contact me to get a demonstration of the ease that you'll be able to do much of this work, yourself.
*Note 1: WebAPI and Act! Connect Link are only available for Premium Subscription users or those on Premium Business Care
*Note 2: Act! Premium Contact Link requires Outlook 2013/2016 and either Exchange 2013 or an Outlook 365 account with Microsoft
For your reference, these are the contact details you can use for support, or if you have any further questions:
Mike Lazarus: 0419-209-589
GL Computing: 02-9361-6766
See, I told you these will be exciting times...
Kindest Regards,
Mike Lazarus
Act! Evangelist
Act! CRM Fanatic Links
If you’re interested, here are a few other Act! related feeds, forums and tools that I monitor:
LinkedIn ACT! Fanatics - http://www.linkedin.com/groups/ACT-Fanatics-49896
Twitter List - https://twitter.com/GLComputing/act-crm
ACT! CRM Daily Paper - http://paper.li/GLComputing/actbysage
Facebook Interest List - https://www.facebook.com/lists/10150654560093127
Google+ ACT! Fanatics - https://plus.google.com/communities/109892208109008763279